• If you are running a firmware version older than v1.4.24 all ‘Contacts’ will be lost during the upgrade to v2.14.xx firmware. Before upgrading your unit please make a note of any important contact information you don’t want to lose. More recent firmware versions do not feature ‘Contacts’ and instead use ‘Programs’ to manage all dialing information.
  • The following codec settings may need to be adjusted after the upgrade:
    • If auto-reconnect is enabled in a codec before the upgrade, this will need to be re-enabled.
    • It is necessary to readjust headphone and input levels in the codec as these will change after upgrading.
    • It is necessary to reconfigure multicast settings after upgrading.
    • File playback needs to be explicitly configured in the Programs wizard.


  • Disconnect all connections before attempting the firmware upgrade.
  • Tieline recommends you back up all programs before performing the firmware upgrade.
  • During the firmware upgrade all old programs in the codec will be converted into the new program format automatically.
  • The upgrade tool supports Java 6 or higher.
  • The upgrade tool must be connected to the network at all times during the upgrade.
  • Ensure the computer is plugged in and does not go into ‘sleep mode’ during the upgrade.
  • If the computer performing the upgrade is disconnected from the network during the upgrade it will be necessary to restart the upgrade.

Codec Upgrade Procedure

1. Verify that the codec you want to upgrade is connected to a LAN or WAN and that you know its IP address.

2. Download the “Bridge-IT_Firmware_Installer.jar” file from  here and save it in a directory on your PC.

3. Double-click the JAR file to launch the installer.

4. Enter the IP address in the Codec Address text box and enter your password in the Password text box, then click the Test Codec Connection button. (Note: to find your codec’s password via its front panel select Config > WebGUI > Password.)

5. Connection Successful appears in the dialog if the test is successful, then click Next.

6. Click the Upgrade Firmwarebutton to commence the upgrade. Note: the upgrade will take approximately 12 minutes to complete.

7. The dialog indicates when the upgrade has been completed.

Important Note:

The installer is designed to upgrade from v1.xx.xx to v2.xx.xx firmware only. If the codec has already been upgraded to v2.xx.xx firmware the installer will not upgrade the codec. In this scenario the following message is displayed when you click the Test Codec Connection button.