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Knowledge base
Getting started with us
Report-IT Enterprise
How do I get started with Report-IT Enterprise?
Cloud Codec Controller
How do I get started with the Public Internet version of the CCC?
Process to get started with TieLink
TieServer console
How do I get started with Report-IT Enterprise using TieServer console?
Using the TieServer Webstart Version as a Java Workaround
General FAQs
How can I connect to other manufacturers codecs?
MIB Files for SNMP Configuration
Tips for connecting over wired and wireless IP connections
How do I program FEC in my IP codec?
How can I avoid drop-outs over IP connections?
View all 13
ViA: What USB Modems are supported
ViA: Connecting to a Wi-Fi Access Point
ViA: Connecting over Cellular using USB AIR cards (USB Modems)
ViA: Adding Access Points and a SIM Pin
ViA: How do I create playlists and use file playback?
View all 12
Gateway and Gateway 4
Gateway/Gateway 4: Troubleshooting tips for AES67 AOIP Streaming
Gateway/Gateway 4: Upgrading Firmware
Bridge-IT & Bridge-IT XTRA
Bridge-IT: How do I upgrade my codecs v2.xx.xx firmware?
Upgrading Bridge-IT codecs from v1.xx.xx firmware to v2.xx.xx firmware
Bridge-IT Java Web GUI Workaround for Browser Issues
Bridge-IT: Installing software license files
Bridge-IT:Install USB Ethernet Driver on Windows
Report-IT Enterprise
Report-IT EE: "Error opening report. Report could not be found. Select 'OK' to find the file to relink."
Report-IT EE:Minimum supported OS for Android and IOS
Report-IT EE: My Registration expired how do I renew?
How do I configure Report-IT Enterprise user accounts?
Report-IT EE: Echo cancellation in Android Smartphones
View all 13
Report-IT Live
How to troubleshoot artifacts and drop-outs in Report-IT Live for iPhone
Transfer, Download and Install Report-IT Live on a new iPhone or iOS Device
Upgrading to Report-IT Live Professional
What is Live Time and how does it work in Report-IT Live?
Report-IT Live: Under what conditions does Pre-Paid live time get consumed?
View all 7
Cloud Codec Controller
Cloud Codec Controller: Do I need a TieServer Domain to use the Private Network version?
Cloud Codec Controller: System, network and codec pre-requisites for Installation
Cloud Codec Controller: Configuring codec DNS settings for the
Cloud Codec Controller: How to manage floating codec client licenses in the public internet version
Cloud Codec Controller: Why can't I see some of my codecs in my public internet domain?
View all 10
TieLink Traversal Server
How does TieServer work with TieLink, the Cloud Codec Controller and Report-IT Enterprise?
How do I log into TieLink?
TieLink: Helpful hints on connection issues
Why isn't my codec 'available' within TieLink?
TieLink: What are the reasons why audio streams appear offline?
View all 11
TieServer Console
TieServer Console: How do I configure Report-IT Enterprise user accounts?
TieServer Console: How do I add a codec to my Report-IT Enterprise Account?
TieServer Console: Error message "Valid codec address not specified"
Changing the Admin Passwords for the TieServer console and circumventing Java issues
Merlin and Genie range
supported USB Wi-Fi dongles for Merlin and Genie
How do I connect 6 simultaneous Report-IT connections to Merlin PLUS?
where can I download the Razor setup tool?
How do I upgrade my codec's Firmware
G5 USB Recovery Method
G3 (Commander/i-Mix)
G3: Watch the video and learn how to create a cellular IP connection
G3: Troubleshoot cellular wireless connection issues
G3: How to determine current Firmware version?
How to upgrade the Firmware on my Commander or i-Mix G3?
How to determine the ToolBox version on my Commander or i-Mix G3?
View all 11