When using the Report-IT Enterprise app on an iOS or Android device you may see the error message “valid codec address not specified”. This is usually caused by one of the following two reasons:

1. A user has logged in but the system administrator has not granted access to any codecs for that user.

To resolve this issue the system administrator needs to use the Tieserver Console app or TieServer Management Console to add “Authorized Codecs” to the Report-IT Enterprise user account and select a “Default Codec” as required.

2. “Valid codec address not specified” may also be displayed if you have logged into Report-IT as an administrator and have either not authorized any codecs for the administrator account, or have not configured an IP address/hostname for a codec.


To resolve this issue the system administrator needs to use the Tieserver Console app or TieServer Management Console to add “Authorized Codecs” to the administrator account, or configure IP address/hostname settings for the codec/s.