iOS Import / Export of Audio Files
Report-IT Enterprise (for iOS) is capable of sharing recorded reports with DropBox (and any other App installed that accepts audio files) via the standard iOS Document Sharing facility.

When selecting a recorded Report in the Manage Your Reports activity, at the very bottom of the list of actions, there is an “Open In…” option. This will present the standard iOS screen for presenting a set of activities that you can use to open the report in. For example, there should be a “Copy to Dropbox” if you have the Drop Box app installed.

Likewise, the reverse can also be used from within an App that supports iOS Document Sharing (such as Drop Box) to import a recording into Report-IT.

Android Import / Export of Audio Files

On Android it is possible to get recordings into Report-IT as follows:

 From the Drop Box App:

  1. Use the “˅” button on the desired .wav file
  2. Choose “Export” from the menu
  3. Choose “Save to device” from “Export this file” menu
  4. Use the “Save” button

From the Google Drive App:

  1. Use the “⋮” button on the desired .wav file
  2. Choose “Download” from the menu

The .wav file will now be in the Downloads directory. A file management app such “ES File Manager” is required to move the file into the required directory.

From ES File Explorer:

  1. User the “☰” button in the top left corner
  2. Choose “Local” from the menu
  3. Choose “Download” under “Local”
  4. Use the “⋮” button in the top right
  5. Choose “View” from the menu
  6. Choose “Large/Medium/Small Detail”
  7. Use the “○” button on the desired .wav file
  8. Choose the “⋮ More” button in the bottom right
  9. Choose “Move to” from the menu
  10. Choose the “Tieline” folder from the menu
  11. Use the “OK” Button
  12. Force Close Report-It
  13. Re-open Report-It. The playlists will be updated with deleted and added .wav files.

The exact instructions may change slightly depending on Android version/App version, but the concept should remain the same.