Often users that have purchased the Report-IT Live Professional Upgrade purchase a new iPhone and wish to transfer the contents of their old iPhone to their new iPhone via the iTunes backup/restore option. If you open Report-IT on your new iPhone and discover your Professional Upgrade with unlimited “live-time” for broadcasting is no longer available, please perform the following:

Step 1. Ensure you have your Apple invoice for the Report-IT Professional Upgrade to double-check which iTunes account you used for the purchase. IMPORTANT: It is critical that you use the same account and login details as the one you used to make the purchase or you will be charged again for the installation of the Report-IT Professional Upgrade. Report-IT Live Professional Upgrade is what Apple refers to as a “Non-Consumable” in-App purchase as described in http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4009. This means that if you use the same iTunes account you used to originally make the purchase (i.e. the login to which your invoice pertains), then you will NOT be charged for purchasing it again. The exact product description on your invoice will depend on when your In-App purchase was completed. Apple never release details of purchasers or invoices for products sold to Tieline, so unfortunately, we cannot check any form of purchase history. An example of an invoice entry for Report-IT Live Professional is: “REPORT_IT_LIVE_PACK, Seller: Tieline Technology “ (Note: it is possible that the description may also say something along the lines of “Report-IT Professional”.) 
Step 2. Go to the “Configuration” screen in Report-IT. 
Step 3. Select “Upgrade” and you will be presented with a screen allowing you to purchase Report-IT Live Professional.  
Step 4. Press the “Purchase” button. 
Step 5. You should then be presented with a dialog box titled “Confirm Your In App Purchase” containing the text: “Do you want to buy one Report-IT Live Professional for $399.99” (prices stated will vary depending on your country).  
Step 6. Press the “Buy” button. You may be asked to enter your password and if this is the case, enter your login credentials and ensure you are logging in using the same iTunes account as per your original invoice 
Step 7. At this point you should see a dialog box stating “You’ve already purchased this. Tap OK to download it again for free.” Tap to download and reinstall the application.