iOS WARNINGS – To ensure your live or recorded operations are not interrupted by incoming phone calls and other applications:
- In iOS versions of Report-IT Live and Report-IT Enterprise users can enable “Call Silencing” via Configuration > Call Silencing. When enabled, if an incoming phone call is received while connected, the audio to Report-IT will not be interrupted. The normal call answering screen for iOS is displayed with options to decline the call, answer it, or ignore it.
- Configure call forwarding to voice-mail or another number; tap Settings > Phone > Call Forwarding and then slide the switch to On.
- Turn off the RINGER on the left-hand side of the iPhone to avoid SMS tone interruptions. IMPORTANT NOTE: This will not prevent incoming SMS messages and will only stop alert tones. If Report-IT is being used and an SMS is received, a dialog box with Close and Reply buttons is displayed. ONLY press Close in response to an SMS. If you press Reply Report-IT will shut down and suspend your recording or transmission.
- If you are recording a report only you can switch on Airplane mode via the iPhone Settings application. In Airplane mode no phone calls or SMS messages will be sent to the iPhone. When you have finished recording, Airplane mode must be turned off to retransmit or share your recording.
- In the Calendar application, ensure that there are no event alarms enabled during the planned live/recording period.
- Ensure that no Clock application alarms are enabled during the planned recording period.
- Do not plug in or unplug a headset during recording. Likewise, do not dock or undock the device during recording.
- Do not plug the iPhone into a power source during a recording. When an iPhone gets plugged into power, it beeps or vibrates, according to user settings.
If you can’t enable call forwarding before your report and you receive an incoming call, decline the call ASAP using the Decline button on the iPhone screen. From the time that the incoming call alert is shown, to the time the decline button is pressed, recording will cease and silence will be transmitted.
Android Call Forwarding
Configure call forwarding to voice-mail or another number to ensure your live or recorded operations are not interrupted by incoming phone calls and other applications; ensure all calendar and clock alarm functions are also turned off. By default Report-IT Enterprise will stop a recording or live streaming when the HOME button is pressed to close the application on the screen. Background audio streaming/recording is also possible by selecting Menu > Settings > Audio > Background Audio Streaming [Enable].