When you purchase Report-IT Enterprise Tieline will create an administrator account and domain name for your network on TieServer. This domain is used to configure all Report-IT user accounts. Tieline will also supply a username and password for the administrator account. Use these credentials to log in to the administrator account and configure user accounts via the following options:

Report-IT Enterprise Administrators can configure:

  1. Default domain settings for codec, sharing and connection settings. These apply when no individual user account settings have been configured.
  2. Individual user account settings: These settings override the ‘global’ default domain settings when enabled.

Download the latest user manual for the TieServer Console from www.tieline.com by selecting “Support” and then select “TieServer Console” under “Software Tools”. This will provide all the instructions required to configure Report-IT Enterprise for the first time and:

  1. Add the codecs to which users will connect using Report-IT.
  2. Add all sharing servers to which users will share files using Report-IT.
  3. Configure the Default Domain (user connection) settings for Report-IT.
  4. Configure individual user settings with the correct port assignments for connecting to the correct input and outputs on the codec Report-IT will be connecting to.

The user manual for each version of the TieServer Console describes how to configure multiple user accounts to connect to the same codec at the studio in the section titled “Connecting Multiple Smartphones to One Codec.”