System Pre-requisites
The Cloud Codec Controller is compatible with Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 and Mac® Yosemite 10.10 or later operating systems. Also please note:

  • Windows Defender SmartScreen may ask you to “Run Anyway” on installation.
  • Ensure the Cloud Codec Controller is not blocked by Windows Firewall.
  • Some virus software may present a scanning warning.
  • This software requires Java 8 on a computer prior to installation. If this is the case, please recommence installation after Java 8 has been installed.

Network Pre-requisites
In most cases, if you can browse any https website from your computer, there should be no additional network settings required for the Cloud Codec Controller application. If you are in a corporate or other network environment that has tight internet access security rules, then the Cloud Codec Controller requires outbound access to TCP Port 443 for the following domains (and a number of hosts within these domains):


It is also necessary to verify that time/date is correctly set on the codec. In the Toolbox Web-GUI select Settings and then Date & Time to open the Date & Time panel. Ensure that the codec is displaying a valid time setting.

Codec Pre-requisites

  • Codecs require firmware v2.18.104 or higher to be used in conjunction with the Cloud Codec Controller. Visit to download the latest firmware for your codec.
  • Genie, Merlin, Bridge-IT and ViA codecs also need to be enabled for CCC management to be visible in the CCC over the public internet:

    • In the Genie, Merlin and Bridge-IT codec menu select Settings > WebGUI > CC Controller [Enable].
    • In the Gateway and Gateway-4 menu select Settings > IP Options > WebGUI > CC Controller [Enable].
    • In the ViA codec menu select Settings > IP Options > WebGUI > Cloud Codec Controller [Enable].
    • In the Toolbox Web-GUI navigate to Settings and open the Options panel. Then select the check-box for CCC Enabled and click Save.
  • Locally Defined Codecs over a private network do not need to be enabled for CCC operation. Only codecs that require internet access need to be enabled.
  • Ensure that CSRF is disabled in the codec or it will not be able to connect to the CCC. This setting is [OFF] by default. The setting can be adjusted:

    • In the Genie, Merlin and Bridge-IT codec menu select Settings > WebGUI > CSRF [Disable], or
    • In the Gateway and Gateway-4 menu select Settings > IP Options > WebGUI > CSRF Protection [Disable], or
    • In the ViA codec menu select Settings > IP Options > WebGUI > CSRF Protection [Disable], or
    • In the Toolbox Web-GUI navigate to Settings and open the Options panel, then deselect the CSRF Enabled check-box.
  • Ensure DHCP or Static DNS servers are correctly configured in codecs when required. See the FAQ titled “Configuring codec DNS settings for the CCC” for more info.
  • Verify that time/date is correctly set on the codec. In the Toolbox Web-GUI select Settings and then Date & Time to open the Date & Time panel. Ensure that the codec is displaying a valid time setting.