Floating Codec Client Licenses are allocated to a codec using the Network View tab within the Cloud Codec Controller. A license is occupied when a codec’s PPMs are enabled within the Network View, or the Codec Viewer is opened in a particular installation of the Cloud Codec Controller application.

Click the Enable PPMs check-box to allocate a Codec Client License to a codec for configuration and control.

No CCC Licenses Available is displayed if the Enable PPMs check-box is selected and all available licenses have been allocated to codecs.

As licenses are floating and it is possible to release them in two ways:

  • Deselect the Enable PPMs check-box for a codec in the Network View.
  • Close the Codec Viewer (Toolbox) for a codec that has been launched by double-clicking it in the Overview pane. Note: if the Codec Viewer has been launched from within the Network View pane and PPMs have been enabled, then to release the license both the Codec Viewer for that codec must be closed, and the Enable PPMs check-box must be deselected.
  • Important Notes:
    If all Codec Client Licenses have been used it is not possible to double-click and launch the Codec Viewer.
  • If all Codec Client Licenses have been used it is not possible to right-click and select View Codec to launch the Codec Viewer. This option will be grayed-out.
  • If two people are managing or monitoring the same codec with the CCC on different computers, each person requires a separate Codec Client License to view the codec on their PC.