For codecs to be visible in the CCC over the public internet they need to be enabled for CCC management. This can be done as follows:

  1. In the G5 (Genie, Merlin, Bridge-IT) codec menu select Settings > WebGUI > CC Controller [Enable].
  2. In the Gateway and Gateway-4 codec menu select Settings > IP Options > WebGUI > CC Controller [Enable].
  3. In the ViA codec menu select Settings > IP Options > WebGUI > Cloud Codec Controller [Enable].
  4. In the Toolbox Web-GUI navigate to Settings and open the Options panel. Then select the check-box for CCC Enabled and click Save.

Locally Defined Codecs over a private network do not need to be enabled for CCC operation. Only codecs that require internet access need to be enabled.

Important Note: Ensure that CSRF is disabled in the codec or it will not be able to connect to the CCC. This setting is [OFF] by default and is also available in the codec menu via Settings > WebGUI, and in the Options panel in the HTML Toolbox Web-GUI.