Each Tieline domain has unique administrator login credentials and codecs can be added to a TieServer Domain with TieLink or the TieServer Console. If you already have Report-IT Enterprise or the Cloud Codec Controller, the same domain can be used for TieLink. Following is a diagram showing the relationship between a TieServer Domain and Tieline’s software products; TieLink, the TieServer Console, and the Cloud Codec Controller.
It is critically important to remember that removing a codec from a domain removes it from:
- The TieServer Console: used to manage an organization’s codecs and Report-IT users.
- Report-IT user accounts: users authorized to connect to a particular codec will no longer be able to ‘see’ or connect to a codec after it is removed.
- The Cloud Codec Controller: used to manage an entire fleet of Tieline codecs and Report-IT Enterprise users remotely.
- TieLink Traversal Server: used to configure codec dialing groups and traverse firewalls and NAT more simply.