TieLink Traversal Server

How does TieServer work with TieLink, the Cloud Codec Controller and Report-IT Enterprise?
Each Tieline domain has unique administrator login credentials and codecs can be added to a TieServer Domain with TieLink or the TieServer Console. If you ...
Wed, 8 Dec, 2021 at 8:17 AM
How do I log into TieLink?
In a web-browser navigate to https://tieserver.com/tielink and enter the TieLink Administrator credentials supplied by Tieline. Note: If you already have...
Wed, 8 Dec, 2021 at 8:20 AM
TieLink: Helpful hints on connection issues
If TieLink Does Not Connect: Ensure TieLink and at least one relevant interface is enabled and ‘stunned’ on both codecs; i.e. the STUN Status for the int...
Fri, 10 Dec, 2021 at 10:51 AM
Why isn't my codec 'available' within TieLink?
By default TieLink is disabled in a codec and needs to be enabled before it is ‘available’ in the Traversal Server. To enable this on a codec using the To...
Wed, 8 Dec, 2021 at 8:21 AM
TieLink: What are the reasons why audio streams appear offline?
When an audio stream is Offline it is unavailable within the TieLink Traversal Server Network. Possible reasons an audio stream may be offline include: T...
Fri, 10 Dec, 2021 at 10:51 AM
What Ports need to be open when using TieLink?
The default ports for TieLink connections are UDP ports 5100 – 5120. Most of the time Telcos will not block these ports, but it is possible they may in some...
Wed, 8 Dec, 2021 at 8:23 AM
I reset factory defaults in my codec and now TieLink connections aren't working
When you reset factory defaults in a codec TieLink is disabled. This can be re-enabled using the codec front panel or the Toolbox HTML Web-GUI connected to ...
Wed, 8 Dec, 2021 at 8:23 AM
Why can't two registered Tieline codecs in TieLink connect?
First, verify the NAT Type on each codec for the interface/s being used for the connection. This is displayed in the TieLink panel in the Toolbox HTML Web...
Wed, 8 Dec, 2021 at 8:24 AM
TieLink: How do I add stream members back into a contact list after deselecting them?
If Stream Members have been removed from a contact list, it is necessary to deselect the Members check-box for a codec and then reselect it to add all strea...
Fri, 10 Dec, 2021 at 10:52 AM
How do I add shared streams to an external TieLink Domain after they have been deselected?
If a codec is shared with an external TieLink domain, and streams have been deselected, it is necessary to Remove the codec and then share it with the exter...
Wed, 8 Dec, 2021 at 8:26 AM