General FAQs

Report-IT: Transferring Report-IT audio files to a new iPhone
When upgrading an iPhone, the only way Report-IT reports will transfer to the new iPhone is if the new iPhone was restored from an iTunes (or iCloud) backu...
Wed, 8 Dec, 2021 at 7:57 AM
Report-IT: SIP calls requiring User Agent
In Tieline codecs it is possible to add user agents to the User Agent Block List to deny them access to a codec. Some codec manufacturers, e.g. Comrex, all...
Wed, 8 Dec, 2021 at 7:58 AM
PPMs frozen
If the PPMs change value once every minute, the most likely cause is anti-virus scanners holding all the data until the transaction "completes" be...
Thu, 19 May, 2022 at 11:42 AM