Report-IT Enterprise

Why is the Report-IT Enterprise App 'Connect' button greyed out?
If you launch Report-IT app and the Connect button is greyed out, the Report-IT user account administrator needs to use the TieServer Console app or the Tie...
Fri, 10 Dec, 2021 at 10:42 AM
Report-IT EE: Audio File sharing (Import/Export)
iOS Import / Export of Audio Files Report-IT Enterprise (for iOS) is capable of sharing recorded reports with DropBox (and any other App installed that acc...
Fri, 10 Dec, 2021 at 10:43 AM
How to move a recorded audio file from Report-IT EE to Report-IT Live
To move a Recorded file from Report-IT Enterprise to Report-IT Live you will need to follow the menus below. Launch Report-IT Enterprise. Click the u...
Wed, 8 Dec, 2021 at 7:43 AM